Text Box: Administrative Rule Summary

584-001-0015 – Public Records and Related Fees for Records and Services

• New Rule	• Amend Existing Rule	þ Repeal Rule

Public Comment Date: April 1, 2014 to July 30, 2014

Prompted by:  
þ Staff Review	• State Law Changes	• Other
Action Requested:  (File as Temporary Rule and Refer to Public Comment)
• First Reading	þAdoption	• Consent Agenda

Summary of Proposed Action:  Repeal (eliminate) current rule. 


Background:  The current rule has not been amended since 1997 and it is out of date.  The agency looked at other agencies to see what they were charging and borrowed from several of them.


Issues/Concerns that Surfaced (if any):  We have not had a consistent policy or price for charging for records and services


Changed Since Last Commission Meeting?


¨  N/A; First reading – Hasn’t been before the Commission

þ  No; same as last meeting considered

¨ Yes – As follows:


Fiscal Impact:  None


Staff Recommendation:


þ  Repeal rule as presented

¨  Adopt rule in the future

¨  No recommendation

¨  Refer to public comment



Permanent Rule to be Repealed


584-001-0015 (REPEAL)

Public Records and Related Fees for Records and Services

(1) Oregon statutes permit the Commission to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for actual costs in making records and information available to the public, government agencies, colleges and universities, organizations, or school districts.

NOTE: See ORS 283.110 regarding charges for state agencies and ORS 192.440 regarding charges for the public, institutions, and organizations.

(2) The Commission reserves the right to not charge for records and information if the cost of fee collection would exceed the cost of providing the information or when information is exchanged with the requesting agency, institution, organization, or district and the Commission, in turn, is not charged for information it obtains.

(3) In establishing the cost for records and information, the Commission shall consider computer costs, staff time, printing and duplicating costs, and overhead. Computer costs include programming, materials, and computer time. Staff time includes all time spent in retrieval and duplication of information as well as telephone time, typing, computer operation, and mailing. Overhead includes bookkeeping and accounting, postage and mail service, equipment maintenance, central government services, and general services charges.

(4) The cost of printed reports and publications shall be established by the Executive Director at the time of printing, considering the factors listed in section (3) of this rule.

(5) The cost of Chapter 584 of Oregon Administrative Rules shall be $8.00.

(6) The cost of photocopied records and information shall be 50 cents per page.

(7) The cost of other records and information shall be established by the Executive Director when the request is received. Persons requesting the records and information will be informed of the cost before the services are performed.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 192 & ORS 283
Stats. Implemented: ORS 192.440 & ORS 283.110
Hist.: TS 2-1982, f. & ef. 4-16-82; TS 1-1986, f. & cert. ef. 1-29-96; TS 4-1997, f. 9-25-97, cert. ef. 10-4-97