Text Box: Administrative Rule Summary

584-060-0022 – Continuing Teaching License Requirements

• New Rule	• Amend Existing Rule	þRepeal Rule

Public Comment Date: April 1 2014 to July 30, 2014

Prompted by:  
• Staff Review	þ State Law Changes	• Other
Action Requested:  
• First Reading	þAdoption	• Consent Agenda

Summary of Proposed Action:  Repeal (eliminate) current Continuing Teaching License Rule.  New rule for Professional Teaching License proposed (OAR 584-060-0530.


Background:  HB 3254 (Enrolled-2013) changed the name of the Continuing Teaching License to the Professional Teaching License effective January 1, 2014.  This rule does not have substantive effect upon the validity of licenses.


Issues/Concerns that Surfaced (if any):  Statute change was effective January 1, 2014, the Commission must take immediate action.


Changed Since Last Commission Meeting?


¨   N/A; First reading – Hasn’t been before the Commission

þ  No; same as last meeting considered

¨  Yes – As follows:


Fiscal Impact:  None


Staff Recommendation:


þ Adopt rule as presented

¨ Adopt rule in the future

¨ No recommendation

¨ Adopt as temporary rule and refer to public comment



Permanent Rule to be Repealed


584-060-0022 – REPEAL (Adopt 584-060-0530)

Continuing Teaching License Requirements


(1) Upon filing a correct and complete application in form and manner prescribed by the commission, a qualified applicant may be granted a Continuing Teaching License.

(2) This license is issued for five years and is renewable repeatedly under conditions specified below.

(3) This license is valid for regular teaching at one or more designated authorization levels in one or more designated specialties and for substitute teaching at any level in any specialty.

(4) To be eligible for a Continuing Teaching License an applicant must:

(a) Meet or complete all requirements of the Initial I and the Initial II Teaching Licenses; and

(b) Hold a master's degree or higher in the arts and sciences or an advanced degree in the professions from a regionally accredited institution in the United States, or the foreign equivalent of such degree approved by the commission, together with an equally accredited bachelor's degree; and

(c) Have taught five years of at least half-time or more on any non-provisional license appropriate for the assignment; and

(d) Demonstrate minimum competencies, knowledge and skills in accordance with OAR 584-017-0160 by completing one of the following:

(A) A TSPC approved Continuing Teaching License program offered by a college or university; or

(B) A doctorate degree in education from a regionally accredited institution; or the foreign equivalent of such degree approved by the commission; or

(C) Certification by the National Boards of Professional Teaching Standards; or

(D) Certificate of Clinical Competence awarded by the American Speech and Hearing Association for those holding a communication disorders endorsement; or

(E) A commission-approved school district program; or

(F) Any commission-approved professional assessment.

(G) A Professional Certificate issued by the State of Washington.

(5) The Continuing Teaching License may be renewed for five years upon completion of a professional development plan in accordance with OAR 584-090.


Stat. Auth: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 - 342.165, 342.125 & 342.138
Hist.: TSPC 1-2005, f. & cert. ef. 1-21-05; TSPC 13-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-22-06; TSPC 2-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-23-07; TSPC 3-2009(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 5-15-09 thru 11-11-09; TSPC 5-2009, f. & cert. ef. 10-5-09