Text Box: Administrative Rule Summary

584-060-0062 – Adding Endorsements to Initial or Professional Teaching Licenses

• New Rule	þ Amend Existing Rule	• Repeal Rule

Public Comment Date: April 1, 2014 to July 30, 2014

Prompted by:  
• Staff Review	þ State Law Changes	• Other
Action Requested:  (File as Temporary Rule and Refer to Public Comment)
• First Reading	þAdoption	• Consent Agenda

Summary of Proposed Action:  Changes Continuing to Professional Teaching License.


Background:  HB 3254 (Enrolled-2013) changed the name of the Continuing Teaching License to the Professional Teaching License effective January 1, 2014.  This rule does not have substantive effect upon the validity of licenses.


Issues/Concerns that Surfaced (if any):  Statute change was effective January 1, 2014, the Commission must take immediate action. At the March Commission meeting, this rule was adopted as a temporary rule.


Changed Since Last Commission Meeting?


¨   N/A; First reading – Hasn’t been before the Commission

þ  No; same as last meeting considered

¨   Yes – As follows:


Fiscal Impact:  None


Staff Recommendation:


þ  Adopt rule as presented

¨  Adopt rule in the future

¨  No recommendation

¨  Adopt as temporary rule and refer to public comment



Permanent Rule for Adoption


584-060-0062 (Final Version)

Adding Endorsements to Initial or Professional Teaching Licenses


(1) An endorsement is the subject matter or specialty education field in which the educator is licensed to teach. Educators may only teach the subjects in which they are licensed in the grade levels authorized on the license (authorization level).

(2) A multiple subjects self-contained endorsement does not allow the teacher to teach: Adaptive Physical Education, Art, Communications Disorders, Early Intervention/Special Education, ESOL, ESOL/Bilingual, Hearing Impaired, Library Media, Music, Physical Education, Reading Specialist, Special Education, or Vision Impaired.

(3) Subject-Matter Competency: A new endorsement will be added to a new or existing Initial I, Initial II or Professional Teaching License upon documentation of one of the following: (For Middle-Level Endorsement exceptions see subsection (5) below.)

(a) For endorsements where subject-matter mastery tests are required by the commission,

(b) For the endorsements where the commission has not approved subject-matter mastery tests including but not limited to: Drama, Japanese, Latin, Chinese, Russian, and Adaptive Physical Education:

(A) Completion of a program or demonstrated completion of required coursework; or

(B) A non-provisional out-of-state license showing endorsement in the subject-area.

(c) Special Exception for Out-of-State Applicants: For out-of-state applicants upon first licensure in Oregon. (See, OAR 584-036-0080 Licensure Tests.)

(4) Practicum Requirements: In addition to the requirements in subsection (3)(a) and (b) of this rule, one of the following practical experiences must be completed:

(a) A program-supervised practicum of two semester hours or three quarter hours, which except as specified below may or may not be part of a longer preparation that includes content or methods courses in the subject area, in an institution approved to prepare teachers for that endorsement;

(b) Verification of 60 hours or more of experience teaching the new subject-area at least one hour each day or the equivalent on either an optional assignment of ten hours or less or an approved License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) as allowed by OAR 584-060-0250; or

(c) Completion of an approved program in the new subject-matter endorsement area.

(5) Adding Endorsements to the Middle-Level (ML) Authorization Level:

(a) Teachers holding an Initial, Initial I, Initial II, or Professional Teaching License with a multiple subjects self-contained or a multiple subjects endorsement with either an elementary or middle-level authorization are not required to complete an additional subject-related practicum to add the endorsements specified in this subsection.

(b) To add the endorsements listed below, teachers qualifying under this section must pass the Commission-approved high school or middle school test or tests in the appropriate subject-matter area:

(A) Language Arts or middle-school Language Arts;

(B) Social Studies or middle-school Social Studies;

(C) Science or middle school science; or

(D) Basic or Advanced Math.

(c) A multiple subjects endorsement is also required to add all general education endorsements at the middle-level authorization except the following specialty endorsements:

(A) Adaptive Physical Education

(B) Art;


(D) ESOL/Bilingual;

(E) Library Media Specialist;

(F) Music;

(G) Physical Education;

(H) Reading; and

(I) Special Education;

(J) Vision Impaired;

(K) Hearing Impaired;

(L) Communications Disorders;

(M) Early Intervention/Special Education.

(6) Grade Authorization Level: Some endorsement areas may require the completion of a new authorization level program prior to being added to the license. The applicant should obtain a check sheet of requirements from TSPC prior to pursing adding a new endorsement to an existing license. (See, OAR 584-060-0052 Adding Authorization Levels to Existing Initial and Professional Teaching Licenses.)

(7) When Programs are required:

(a) An approved program including content courses, methods courses, and practica is always required as preparation for added endorsement in the following areas:

(A) All Special Education endorsements, including:

(i) Early Intervention/Special Education;

(ii) Hearing Impairment;

(iii)Vision Impairment;

(iv) Special Education; and

(v) Communication Disorders;

(B) English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL);

(C) Reading; or

(D) Subjects for which no subject mastery test has been required by the Commission for endorsement including but not limited to:

(i) Drama;

(ii) Japanese;

(iii) Latin;

(iv) Chinese;

(v) Russian; and

(vi) Adaptive Physical Education.

(b) Program evaluations for waiver of the subject matter test for out-of-state applicants requesting these endorsements must align with the requirements in division 38;

(c) Adding a Multiple Subjects or other General Education Endorsement to a License with Only a Specialty Endorsement: To add any general education endorsement to a license that holds a “specialty endorsement” only requires the following:

(A) Evidence of completion of a general education program at the grade levels at which the general education endorsement is sought; or

(B) A recommendation by C-2 form by an Oregon program approved to offer the endorsement.

(8) Specialty Endorsements: Adding specialty endorsements such as art, music, ESOL, ESOL/bilingual, reading, physical education, and library media specialists may involve additional course work. (See, OAR 584-060-0071 Endorsements Requiring Special Preparation.)


Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 –342.430; 342.455 – 342.495; 342.553
Hist.: TSPC 3-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 4-15-05 thru 9-30-05; TSPC 7-2005, f. & cert. ef. 8-24-05; TSPC 2-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-23-07; TSPC 7-2008, f. & cert. ef. 8-20-08; TSPC 4-2009, f. & cert. ef. 9-22-09; TSPC 2-2011, f. & cert. ef. 1-28-11; TSPC 6-2011, f. 8-15-11, cert. ef. 9-1-11; TSPC 4-2012, f. & cert. ef. 5-18-12; TSPC 3-2013, f. & cert. ef. 8-19-13



Adding Endorsements to Initial or [Continuing] Professional Teaching Licenses


(1) An endorsement is the subject matter or specialty education field in which the educator is licensed to teach. Educators may only teach the subjects in which they are licensed in the grade levels authorized on the license (authorization level).

(2) A multiple subjects self-contained endorsement does not allow the teacher to teach: Adaptive Physical Education, Art, Communications Disorders, Early Intervention/Special Education, ESOL, ESOL/Bilingual, Hearing Impaired, Library Media, Music, Physical Education, Reading Specialist, Special Education, or Vision Impaired.

(3) Subject-Matter Competency: A new endorsement will be added to a new or existing Initial I, Initial II or [Continuing] Professional Teaching License upon documentation of one of the following: (For Middle-Level Endorsement exceptions see subsection (5) below.)

(a) For endorsements where subject-matter mastery tests are required by the commission,

(b) For the endorsements where the commission has not approved subject-matter mastery tests including but not limited to: Drama, Japanese, Latin, Chinese, Russian, and Adaptive Physical Education:

(A) Completion of a program or demonstrated completion of required coursework; or

(B) A non-provisional out-of-state license showing endorsement in the subject-area.

(c) Special Exception for Out-of-State Applicants: For out-of-state applicants upon first licensure in Oregon. (See, OAR 584-036-0080 Licensure Tests.)

(4) Practicum Requirements: In addition to the requirements in subsection (3)(a) and (b) of this rule, one of the following practical experiences must be completed:

(a) A program-supervised practicum of two semester hours or three quarter hours, which except as specified below may or may not be part of a longer preparation that includes content or methods courses in the subject area, in an institution approved to prepare teachers for that endorsement;

(b) Verification of 60 hours or more of experience teaching the new subject-area at least one hour each day or the equivalent on either an optional assignment of ten hours or less or an approved License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) as allowed by OAR 584-060-0250; or

(c) Completion of an approved program in the new subject-matter endorsement area.

(5) Adding Endorsements to the Middle-Level (ML) Authorization Level:

(a) Teachers holding an Initial, Initial I, Initial II, or [Continuing] Professional Teaching License with a multiple subjects self-contained or a multiple subjects endorsement with either an elementary or middle-level authorization are not required to complete an additional subject-related practicum to add the endorsements specified in this subsection.

(b) To add the endorsements listed below, teachers qualifying under this section must pass the Commission-approved high school or middle school test or tests in the appropriate subject-matter area:

(A) Language Arts or middle-school Language Arts;

(B) Social Studies or middle-school Social Studies;

(C) Science or middle school science; or

(D) Basic or Advanced Math.

(c) A multiple subjects endorsement is also required to add all general education endorsements at the middle-level authorization except the following specialty endorsements:

(A) Adaptive Physical Education

(B) Art;


(D) ESOL/Bilingual;

(E) Library Media Specialist;

(F) Music;

(G) Physical Education;

(H) Reading; and

(I) Special Education;

(J) Vision Impaired;

(K) Hearing Impaired;

(L) Communications Disorders;

(M) Early Intervention/Special Education.

(6) Grade Authorization Level: Some endorsement areas may require the completion of a new authorization level program prior to being added to the license. The applicant should obtain a check sheet of requirements from TSPC prior to pursing adding a new endorsement to an existing license. (See, OAR 584-060-0052 Adding Authorization Levels to Existing Initial and [Continuing] Professional Teaching Licenses.)

(7) When Programs are Required:

(a) An approved program including content courses, methods courses, and practica is always required as preparation for added endorsement in the following areas:

(A) All Special Education endorsements, including:

(i) Early Intervention/Special Education;

(ii) Hearing Impairment;

(iii)Vision Impairment;

(iv) Special Education; and

(v) Communication Disorders;

(B) English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL);

(C) Reading; or

(D) Subjects for which no subject mastery test has been required by the Commission for endorsement including but not limited to:

(i) Drama;

(ii) Japanese;

(iii) Latin;

(iv) Chinese;

(v) Russian; and

(vi) Adaptive Physical Education.

(b) Program evaluations for waiver of the subject matter test for out-of-state applicants requesting these endorsements must align with the requirements in division 38;

(c) Adding a Multiple Subjects or other General Education Endorsement to a License with Only a Specialty Endorsement: To add any general education endorsement to a license that holds a “specialty endorsement” only requires the following:

(A) Evidence of completion of a general education program at the grade levels at which the general education endorsement is sought; or

(B) A recommendation by C-2 form by an Oregon program approved to offer the endorsement.

(8) Specialty Endorsements: Adding specialty endorsements such as art, music, ESOL, ESOL/bilingual, reading, physical education, and library media specialists may involve additional course work. (See, OAR 584-060-0071 Endorsements Requiring Special Preparation.)


Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 –342.430; 342.455 – 342.495; 342.553
Hist.: TSPC 3-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 4-15-05 thru 9-30-05; TSPC 7-2005, f. & cert. ef. 8-24-05; TSPC 2-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-23-07; TSPC 7-2008, f. & cert. ef. 8-20-08; TSPC 4-2009, f. & cert. ef. 9-22-09; TSPC 2-2011, f. & cert. ef. 1-28-11; TSPC 6-2011, f. 8-15-11, cert. ef. 9-1-11; TSPC 4-2012, f. & cert. ef. 5-18-12; TSPC 3-2013, f. & cert. ef. 8-19-13