Text Box: Administrative Rule Summary

584-060-0501 – Purpose of Oregon Teaching Licenses

þ New Rule	• Amend Existing Rule	• Repeal Rule

Public Comment Date: April 1 through July 30, 2014

Prompted by:  
• Staff Review	þ  State Law Changes	• Other
Action Requested:  (File as Temporary Rule and Refer to Public Comment)
• First Reading	þAdoption	• Consent Agenda


Summary of Proposed Action:  Proposes new purpose for licensure statement in lieu of current rule in OAR 584-060-0001 Purpose (of 21st Century License)


Background:  HB 3254 (Enrolled-2013 Requires the Commission to create a Professional Teaching License by January 1, 2014 and a Teacher Leader License by July 1, 2014. The proposed rule also aligns with work proposed by the Licensure Redesign Committee.


Issues/Concerns that Surfaced (if any): 


Changed Since Last Commission Meeting?


¨   N/A; First reading – Hasn’t been before the Commission

þ  No; same as last meeting considered

¨  Yes – As follows:


Fiscal Impact:  None


Staff Recommendation:


þ Adopt rule as presented

¨ Adopt rule in the future

¨ No recommendation

¨ Refer to public comment



Permanent Rule for Adoption


584-060-0501 (New Rule)

Purpose of Oregon Teaching Licenses


(1) These rules establish a licensure structure that defines the requirements to teach in Oregon public schools pursuant to ORS 342.120 to 342.232.


(2) The grade levels of licensure align with developmental levels of students and provide assignment flexibility for the 21st Century Classroom. Allowing assignment across all grades in a pre-kindergarten through grade 12 based on subject-matter expertise provides the best opportunity for implementation of proficiency-based education models for Oregon students.


(3) The curriculum of teacher preparation affirms the dignity and worth of all students and ensures students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds are provided all opportunities to achieve subject-matter proficiency for optimal college and career readiness.


(4) Oregon's licensure structure embraces the value and worth of the professional educator. The professional teacher will direct her or his long-term career goals and choose the appropriate route to professional licensure.


(5) Oregon’s licensure structure supports the growth and achievement of each and every Oregon 0-20 public school student. Honoring and celebrating the dignity and worth of our multicultural student population is a key center-piece to Oregon’s education enterprise.


(6) The preliminary and professional teaching licensure standards are based on the 2011 Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Model Core Teaching standards adopted by the Council for Chief State School Officers.


(7) The Distinguished Professional Teaching License is designed to recognize measured milestones in an accomplished professional educator’s career including but not limited to: National Board Certification, Teacher Leader development, Beginning Teacher Mentoring, advanced educational coursework and demonstration of advanced teaching proficiencies.


(8) Oregon’s licensure program embraces the concept of interstate reciprocity and recognizes the value of previous competency as reflected on another state’s teaching preparation standards and nonprovisional licenses.


(9) Continuing professional development (CPD) is integral to the professional educator’s career development. Continuing professional development is required at all stages of professional licensure renewal.



Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120–342.143, 342.153, 342.165, 342.223–342.232