Text Box: Administrative Rule Summary

584-060-0530 -- Distinguished Teaching License for Teacher Leaders Requirements

þ New Rule	• Amend Existing Rule	• Repeal Rule

Public Comment Date: April 1, 2014 to July 30, 2014

Prompted by:  
• Staff Review	þ State Law Changes	• Other
Action Requested:  (File as Temporary Rule and Refer to Public Comment)
• First Reading	þAdoption	• Consent Agenda

Summary of Proposed Action:  Adopts new rule for Distinguished Teaching License for Teacher Leaders


Background:  HB 3254 (Enrolled-2013) Requires the Commission to create a Teacher Leader License by July 1, 2014. The proposed rule is proposed to be initially good for two years so that the Commission may determine how it aligns with other licensure changes proposed under the Commission’s Licensure Redesign proposals. This rule does not have substantive effect upon the validity of any current licenses.


Issues/Concerns that Surfaced (if any): 


Changed Since Last Commission Meeting?


¨   N/A; First reading – Hasn’t been before the Commission

þ  No; same as last meeting considered

¨  Yes – As follows:


Fiscal Impact:  None


Staff Recommendation:


þ Adopt rule as presented

¨ Adopt rule in the future

¨ No recommendation

¨ File as temporary rule and refer to public comment



Permanent Rule for Adoption


584-060-0530 (New Rule)

Distinguished Teaching License Requirements


(1) Upon filing a correct and complete application in form and manner prescribed by the commission, a qualified applicant may be granted a Distinguished Teaching License indicating the holder is a Teacher Leader.


(2) This license is issued for two years and is renewable repeatedly under conditions specified in subsection (6) below.


(3) This license is valid for regular teaching and for teacher leader activities in one or more designated subject-matter endorsements and for substitute teaching at any level in any specialty.


(4)  The Distinguished Teacher License indicates that the holder is ready to take on advanced roles including but not limited to: mentoring, curriculum development support, teacher preparation support and other educational leadership activities.


(5) To be eligible for a Distinguished Teaching License an applicant must:

(a) Educator Fitness: Possess the personal qualifications for licensure including attainment of at least eighteen (18) years of age and possessing good moral character and mental and physical health necessary for employment as an educator;

(b) Meet or complete all requirements of the Professional Teaching License; and

(c) Have taught five full years or more; and

(d) Meet at least one of the following requirements:

(A) Demonstrate competency in any one of the Commission’s designated teacher leader specialties; or

(B) Hold Certification by the National Board for Professional Teacher Standards; or

(C) Obtain an Educational Specialist (EdS) or doctorate (EdD or PhD) in any education-related area; or

(D) Demonstrate other exceptional knowledge and experience qualifying the teacher to provide mentoring, curriculum development support, teacher preparation support or other educational leadership activities.


(6) The Distinguished Teaching License may be renewed upon completion of continuing professional development requirements in accordance with OAR 584, Division 90 under the following conditions:

(a) The first two renewals may be based upon completion of professional development requirements in accordance with OAR 584, Division 90;

(b) Subsequent renewals must be based upon demonstration of ongoing teacher leader activities such as: mentoring, curriculum development support, teacher preparation support and other educational leadership activities consistent with a teacher leader; and

(c) Failure to demonstrate ongoing teacher leader activities, the teacher will be eligible for the Professional Teacher License upon evidence of continuing professional development.


Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 – 342.430; 342.455-342.495; 342.553