584-017-1028   Selection, Recruitment, Admission and Retention of Candidates


Summary of Proposed Action:  Amends admission requirements to no longer require basic skills test prior to the admission to a licensure program.   Changes the requirement to passage of basic skills prior to completion of the licensure program.


Background:  At the November 2014 meeting, the Commission heard testimony from educator preparation programs that having a basic skills test as an admission requirement impeded their ability to recruit and enroll candidates that they felt would be successful in their programs.  It was argued that having the basic skills test as an entrance requirement only served to limit program flexibility and was not needed to ensure educator quality.  After discussion of the policy issues, the Commission voted to adopt a temporary rule to change the basic skills test from an admission requirement to a program completion requirement.  In addition to the temporary rule, the Commission voted to refer out a proposed rule with these provisions to public comment with the intention of adopting a permanent rule in January 2015. 


Fiscal Impact:  N/A


Copy of Proposed Rule:


Selection, Recruitment, Admission and Retention of Candidates

The unit attracts and admits qualified candidates to licensure programs, giving special attention to the current personnel needs of schools and actively recruits from under-represented groups.

(1) The unit admits into all initial and advanced programs only those who meet the following entry standards and requirements.

(2) Each candidate must demonstrated aptitude and interest in working with school-aged children.

(3) Each candidate attests to possessing moral character, a commitment to the profession, vow not to harm children, and commit to educational excellence. This attestation must be filed with the Commission upon application for first licensure in a format approved by the Commission.

(4) All teacher candidates for first application for licensure must:

(a) Pass the Commission approved basic skills tests prior to [admission into] completion of the licensure program;

(b) Pass the Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment test prior to placement into any clinical, student teaching or internship experiences where work samples are required;

(c) Receive full clearance from the Commission on fingerprints and character questions prior to placement into student teaching or internship experiences.

(5) Educational Leadership Licensure: Candidates for admission into an initial educational leadership licensure program (formerly administration) must document:

(a) Licensure as either a teacher or personnel service specialist in any state;

(b) Three years of experience in the schools as a licensed educator or the legal equivalent;

(c) Evidence of educational leadership potential based on the following or the equivalent: assessments in instructional leadership, administrative experience in an educational environment, human relations, and cultural inclusion;

(d) Passing scores on a Commission-approved basic skills test, unless waived based on possession of a master’s degree or higher upon admission;

(e) Passing score on Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment; and

(f) Receive full clearance from the Commission on fingerprints and character questions prior to placement into clinical or internship experiences.

(6) Personnel Service Licensure (School Counseling, School Psychology, School Social Work) All candidates for admission into a personnel service licensure program must document:

(a) Experience working with youth in educational or social agencies;

(b) Preparation in human behavior to include: psychological, sociological, and psychological development, learning theory, and motivation; and

(c) Full clearance from the Commission on fingerprints and character questions prior to placement into clinical or internship experiences.

(d) School Counseling candidates must document prior to licensure, either:

(A) Two years teaching experience in schools; or

(B) Alternative practicum experiences in lieu of teaching.

(e) School Social Worker candidates must document a master’s degree in social work prior to licensure.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120-342.430, 342.455-342.495, 342.553
Hist.: TSPC 4-2012, f. & cert. ef. 5-18-12; TSPC 2-2013, f. & cert. ef. 4-30-13