584-017-1030 Evidence of Effectiveness for Initial [I] Teaching License Preparation



Summary of Proposed Action:  Amends evidence of effectiveness rules for educator programs to require the SCALE edTPA for student teachers preparing for any initial teaching license.  Permits work samples where no comparable edTPA exists.



Background:   At the March 2014 Commission meeting, the edTPA was adopted for the signature teacher performance assessment for Oregon.  The Commission adopted a four year rollout plan for the implementation.  At the November 2014 meeting, the Commission heard testimony about the transition from the Oregon Teacher Work Sample to the edTPA. The Commission adopted a temporary rule that requires the edTPA for initial licensure in content areas where the Commission has adopted a handbook.  If the Commission has not adopted a content handbook for the edTPA, then programs must still require the Oregon Teacher Work Sample. The requirement for two Teacher Work Samples was reduced to one effective with the filing of the temporary rule on November 10, 2014.


Fiscal Impact:  N/A



Copy of Proposed Rule:


Evidence of Effectiveness for Initial [I] Teaching License Preparation

(1) The unit assures that candidates provide evidence of effectiveness to foster student learning.

(2) Each student teacher preparing for an Initial I Teaching License any initial teaching license assembles and analyzes two work samples either the SCALE edTPA or a teacher work sample where no comparable edTPA assessment exists to document the candidate's ability to demonstrate knowledge, skills and professional dispositions as designated in OAR 584-018-0105. If a candidate is seeking more than one authorization level, the two work samples may be completed at either authorization level. One work sample must be delivered over a period of three to five weeks. Work samples include: Evidence of effectiveness includes:

(a) Context of the school and classroom is explained, learners with special needs, TAG learners, ESOL learners and learners from diverse cultural and social backgrounds are described, adaptations for their learning needs are discussed, and prerequisite skills required for the unit are considered;

(b) Goals for the unit of study, that vary in kind and complexity, but that include concept attainment and application of knowledge and skills;

(c) Instructional plans to accomplish the learning goals of the group(s) of students that include differentiation of instruction for all students listed in subsection (a) above;

(d) Data on learning gains resulting from instruction, analyzed for each student, and summarized in relation to students' level of knowledge prior to instruction;

(e) Interpretation and explanation of the learning gains, or lack thereof; [and]

(f) A description of the uses to be made of the data on learning gains in planning subsequent instruction and in reporting student progress to the students and their parents[]; and.

(g) Purposeful attention to literacy instruction based upon content requirements, appropriate authorization level and student needs in at least one subject.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 – 342.430; 342.455-342.495; 342.553
Hist.: TSPC 3-2012, f. & cert. ef. 3-9-12