584-070-0310 Limited Student Service License


Summary of Proposed Action:  Updates professional development requirements to align with changes the Commission made to the continuing professional development rules in 2012. Makes other housekeeping changes.


Background:  In 2012, the Commission eliminated the requirement that all educators develop a “professional development plan” in favor of the direction that districts were taking relative to the new educator evaluation processes – e.g., customized professional development specific to each educator. This amendment updates the language to align with those changes by eliminating references to a “professional development plan.”


Number of Licenses:  There are currently 40 active Limited Student Services licenses.


Fiscal Impact: N/A


Copy of Proposed Rule


Limited Student Service License

(1) Upon filing a correct and complete application in form and manner prescribed by the Commission, a qualified applicant may be granted a Limited Student Service License. This license, issued for three years and renewable, is valid at any authorization level and designated for a specialized type of direct service to students for which the Commission  at its discretion may not require a school counselor, or school psychologist or school social worker license. It is not valid for substitution substitute teaching of any kind.

(2) To be eligible for a Limited Student Service License the applicant must:

(a) Have a bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution in the United States, or the foreign equivalent of such degree approved by the Commission, together with an equally valid master’s degree or other specialized preparation related to the intended service role and ordinarily equivalent to one academic year of graduate study. Awarding of a higher degree in the arts and sciences or an advanced degree in the professions from a regionally accredited institution in the United States validates a non-regionally accredited bachelor’s degree for licensure.

(b) Obtain a passing score on a Commission-approved test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights and professional ethics; and

(c) Furnish fingerprints in the manner prescribed by the Commission and provide satisfactory responses to the character questions contained in the Commission’s licensure application. (See also, OAR 584-036-0062 for Criminal Records Check Requirement.)

(3) The Limited Student Service License is restricted to use within a district that has applied for it jointly with the applicant, whose qualifications and job description are subject to cCommission approval. Upon application, the co-applicant district must describe its particular need in relation to the co-applicant specialist’s qualifications summarized on a submitted resume, agree to provide a mentor during the first year of the assignment, and attest that the role to be filled has been structured so as not to require a school counselor, school psychologist, or school social worker license.

(4) The holder of a Limited Student Service License shall use only the title specifically approved by the Commission and shall not use any unapproved title or imply any unapproved function duties related to serving children. Titles such as “advisor” or “student service specialist” or “student assistance specialist” will more readily be approved. The following additional provisos apply:

(a) No holder of a limited student service license shall use a title containing words derived from “psychology” nor claim to be a psychologist or to render psychological services without obtaining a school psychologist license from the Commission unless licensed as a psychologist or psychologist associate by the Board of Psychologist Examiners. Under ORS 675.990(1)(b), a violation of this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor; and[.]

(b) The Commission at its discretion may consider a title indicating a therapeutic student service role like counseling or social work, for a specialist who has a corresponding master’s or doctor’s degree, if the applicant is licensed by the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists or the Board of Licensed Social Workers, respectively, and is demonstrably prevented from gaining admission to a graduate program in school counseling, school psychology or school social work. and therefore cannot reasonably be required to apply for a non-renewable transitional license.

(c)  The Commission will ordinarily approve an appropriate social work title for an applicant licensed by the Board of Clinical Social Workers.

(5) To be eligible for renewal of the Limited Student Service License The Limited Student Service License is renewable under the following circumstances:

(a) Upon first renewal,  an applicant must obtain a passing score as currently specified by the cCommission  on a test of basic verbal and computational skills, unless the applicant held an Oregon educator license before 1985 or has a regionally accredited  master’s degree; and

(b) Upon completion of a professional development requirements pursuant to OAR 584, Division 90.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120—342.430; 342.455 - 342.495; 342.533
Hist.: TSPC 4-1999, f. & cert. ef. 8-2-99; TSPC 9-1999, f. & cert. ef. 11-22-99; TSPC 7-2008, f. & cert. ef. 8-20-08; TSPC 3-2009(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 5-15-09 thru 11-11-09; Administrative correction 11-19-09; TSPC 8-2009, f. & cert. ef. 12-15-09; TSPC 5-2010(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-13-10 thru 12-31-10; TSPC 9-2010, f. 12-15-10, cert. ef. 1-1-11