584-090-0115 Professional Development Requirements



Summary of Proposed Action:  Changes the number of PDU required for Restricted Substitutes from 30 to 10.  Removes outdated phase-in language.   Updates language to reflect current practice.  Adds school nurse certificates to rule.


Background:   Restricted Substitute licenses are now renewed annually, instead of every three years.  The change from 30 to 10 PDUs for restricted substitutes reflects the change in the term of the license.   The phase-in of PDU requirements is complete with the start of 2015.  School nurse certificates are added to this rule for clarity.  No changes are made to the requirements for renewal of school nurse certificates as contained in Division 21.


Fiscal Impact: N/A



Professional Development Requirements

(1) Applicants for licensure and certification renewal must complete professional development units. described in this rule. These professional development requirements apply to all actively licensed or certified educators listed in OAR 584-090-0100(4)(5).

(2) Professional Development Units (PDUs) are defined as follows:

(a) One (1) hour of approved professional development activity equals one (1) PDU;

(b) One (1) semester hour of college credit equals thirty (30) PDUs; or

(c) One (1) quarter hour of college credit equals twenty (20) PDUs.

(2) All educators renewing a Five-Year Teaching License issued prior to 1965, Basic, Standard, Limited Teaching, Initial II, or Continuing, Professional or Distinguished Teacher Leader License and currently subject to the Commission’s Continuing Professional Development requirements must continue to meet the PDU requirements set forth in subsection (7) below.

(3) All licensed educators holding renewable licenses are subject to PDU reporting upon licensure renewal.  The professional development units (PDUs) required for licensure and certification renewal are as follows:

(a) All licensees, except Substitute or Restricted Substitute license holders, reporting PDU’s for the first time pursuant to this rule, will have the requirements phased in on the following schedule. Renewing educators whose license expires in:

(A) 2013 must complete 25 PDUs total;

(B) 2014 must complete 50 PDUs total; and

(C) 2015 or later must complete 25 PDUs per year of the license.

(a) Except as provided in subsection (3)(b) and subsection (4), all licensed educators shall report 25 PDUs per academic year of the licensure term.  (Certified school nurses are not considered licensed educators and must meet only the PDU requirements of subsection 3(c) of this rule.)

(A) 50 professional development units (PDUs) for a two year license;

(B) 75 professional development units (PDUs) for a three year license; and

(C) 125 professional development units (PDUs) for a five year license.

(b) All Substitute and Restricted Substitute Teaching License holders reporting PDU’s for the first time pursuant to this rule, will have the requirements phased in on the following schedule. Renewing substitute teaching license holders who’s license expires in:

(A) 2013 must complete 10 PDUs total;

(B) 2014 must complete 20 PDUs total; and

(C) 2015 must complete 30 PDUs total.

(b) All Substitute and Restricted Substitute licensees shall report 10 PDUs per academic year of the licensure term as follows:

(A) 30 professional development units (PDU) for the three year Substitute license;

(B) 10 professional development units (PDU) for the one year Restricted Substitute license.

(c) School nurses certified pursuant to OAR Chapter 584, Division 021 shall meet the professional development requirements set forth in OAR 584-021-0150 (Renewal of Professional School Nurse Certification) and OAR 584-021-0155 (Emergency School Nurse Certification Renewal).

(4) The following licenses or certificates do not have a professional development unit requirement because the licenses or certificates require the completion of additional specific coursework or other requirements to move to the next stage license or certificate:

(a) Initial Teaching license;

(b) Initial I Teaching license;

(c) Initial Administrator license;

(d) Initial I School Counselor license;

(e) Initial I School Social Worker license;

(f) Initial School Psychologist license;

(g) Career and Technical Education I Teaching license;

(h) All restricted licenses, except the Restricted Substitute license;

(i) All emergency licenses;

(h) All transitional licenses; and

(I) Initial School Nurse Certification.

(4) (5) PDUs counted toward for licensure renewal may be earned at any time during the life of the license; however, licensees may only carry-over into the next renewal cycle excess PDUs consistent with pursuant to subsection (9) (8) below.

(5) (6) Educators holding Career and Technical Education teaching endorsements may be subject to other continuing professional development requirements consistent with their formal professional development plan. See, OAR 584-042-0051 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Professional Development Plan to determine whether additional CPD requirements apply upon licensure renewal.

(6) Except and provided in subsection (4) above, continuing professional development requirements upon renewal are:

(a) 75 professional development units (PDUs) for a three year license;

(b) 125 PDUs for a five-year license;

(c) 30 PDUs for a Substitute or 10 PDUs Restricted Substitute Teaching License.

(7) Completing any of the following advanced certifications will waive CPD for the renewal period during which the certification is completed and the next licensure renewal cycle only:

(a) National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS);

(b) National Association of School Psychologists certification (NASP);

(c) National School Counselor Certification (NCSC);

(d) National Association of Social Workers certification (C-SSWS); or

(e) Association of Speech, Hearing and Audiology (ASHA) certification.

(8) Professional Development Units (PDUs) are defined as follows:

(a) One (1) hour of approved professional development activity equals one (1) PDU;

(b) One (1) semester hour of college credit equals thirty (30) PDUs; or

(c) One (1) quarter hour of college credit equals twenty (20) PDUs.

(9) (8) Licensed educators may carry-over excess PDUs obtained only in the previous reporting renewal period as follows:

(a) Substitutes/Restricted Substitutes: 10 PDUs;

(b) Restricted Substitutes: 3 PDUs;

(c) Two year licenses; 10 PDUs;

(b) (c) Three year licenses: 25 PDUs;

(c) (d) Five year licenses: 25 PDUs.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 - 342.430, 342.455-342.495 & 342.553

Hist.: TSPC 8-2012, f. & cert. ef. 8-15-12; TPSC 10-2012, f. & cert. ef. 11-19-12