Teacher Standards and Practices Commission

465 Commercial Street NE

Salem OR  97301


February 9-11, 2011













A workgroup with representatives of the Commission and the Oregon Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (OACTE) worked throughout 2009 to draft surveys for new teachers and employers in order to provide useful information to universities for program improvement.


The draft surveys were presented for approval to the Commission at the February 2010 meeting and approved by the Commission at the May 2010 meeting.


Following the May 2010 meeting, the Commission entered into an agreement with the Center for Assessment, Statistics and Evaluation, at the University of Oregon.  The survey was validated through item review, and submission to focus group.  This validation was completed by fall 2010.


Since the November 2010 meeting, TSPC began piloting the survey.  4,079 candidates were identified as teacher program completers during the 2008-2009 academic year.  According to our records, 1,324 were employed by Oregon public schools. 


The surveys were sent to these 1,324 employed completers and their employers.  Currently, we have had a response rate of 26.4 %.  The mobility of educators and principals in Oregon’s school system and the outdated employment data available has contributed to the lower than desired return rate.


Once the pilot is complete, we will review the data and analyze the pilot process.  That analysis will be provided to the Commission at the May 2011 meeting.