Teacher Standards and Practices Commission

465 Commercial Street NE

Salem OR  97301


February 9-11, 2011












At the last commission meeting, the commission voted to expand the definition of “administrator” set forth in administrative rule.  This decision followed the recommendation of the Licensure Subcommittee, although the commission decided not to include “managing instructional programs” and “authorizing the expenditure of funds” as additional items requiring an administrator license, as recommended by the subcommittee.


Consistent with recent administrative rules dealing with other licenses, staff have now prepared a draft proposal outlining the general “scope” of this license.


For several meetings, the commission discussed possible answers to the question, “Specifically which duties should require an administrator license?”  Both the commission and the Licensure Subcommittee agreed that the administrator licensure requirement should depend upon the functions being performed by a specific position.  Rather than looking only at title for a position, schools and districts across the state should instead consider the functions to be performed by a position when deciding if a licensed administrator should be hired.


Oregon Administrative Rule [OAR 584-005-0005(1)] currently reads as follows:

“Administrators:” Superintendents, assistant superintendents, principals, vice principals, and such other personnel, regardless of title, whose positions require them to evaluate other licensed personnel.


At the November 2010 meeting, the commission decided that this current definition of “administrator” is too narrow, given that the current definition focuses on a single function, evaluating licensed staff.  The commission agreed to expand this definition to read:

“Administrators:” Superintendents, assistant superintendents, principals, vice principals, associate principals, and such other personnel, regardless of title, whose positions require them to:

(a) Evaluate other licensed personnel;

(b) Supervise other licensed personnel;

                        (c) Discipline other licensed personnel; and

                        (d) Authorize out-of-school suspension or expulsion of students.


In addition, the commission requested that staff draft a rule that outlines the general duties of an administrator.  Staff has drafted the following language, after reviewing the minutes from previous commission discussions as well as the rules and policies of other states.  The intention is to provide general guidance for determining when an administrator license is either required or most appropriate.


Proposed language outlining the scope of administrator licenses:


The Initial, Continuing or Transitional Administrator License authorizes the holder to perform duties as follows:


1)      An administrator license is required to:

a.       Evaluate licensed personnel;

b.      Supervise licensed personnel;

c.       Discipline licensed personnel; or

d.      Authorize out-of-school suspension or expulsion of students.


2)      An administrator license is recommended to:

a.       Manage or direct the content or financing of instructional programs; or

b.      Authorize a district or school-wide plan for expenditure of funds.


3)      An administrator license is not required to:

a.       Prepare evaluation materials of licensed personnel, if a licensed administrator has responsibility for completing the evaluations;

b.      Evaluate coaching staff, if a licensed administrator has final responsibility for the evaluations;

c.       Recruit licensed or classified staff;

d.      Supervise, evaluate, or discipline classified staff; or

e.       Authorize expenditure of funds, if expenditures are made according to approved district and school-wide plans.