(12-16-10) OEA Testimony on Proposed Change to Administrative Rule 584-036-0105:


Addresses and Uses of Addresses


 (1) A license, registration or certificate holder must report changes of [, employment,] residential and email addresses to the Commission within 90 days of such change.


(2) Changes of address may be made by email, telephone [, in writing,] or[ email notification] in person. Changes of address must include the educator's name, [social security number,] TSPC account number and the old and new addresses the educator is changing. Submission of the social security number for address change identification purposes is voluntary.


(3) All licenses, registrations, certificates, correspondence or notices sent by the Commission will be sent to the last known residential address on file for the educator. The Commission is not responsible if the educator has moved and has failed to notify the Commission of any new address and that failure to notify resulted in the educator's failure to receive important licensure, registration, certification or discipline-related information.


(4) Verification of change in employment must be accompanied by any documentation from the new employer including but not limited to: a PEER form, or notification on district letterhead from a human resources representative.


(5) The Commission may send notice for opportunity for a hearing pursuant to ORS 342.175 (notice of charges related to discipline) or ORS 183.430 (notice of denial of renewal) to an educator at the address the educator provides in writing to the Commission. The Commission may complete service of notice under ORS 342.143(4), 342.176(5) or 183.430, by mailing the notice through certified mail addressed to the educator's address on file with the Commission and such mailing will be deemed conclusive evidence of service.


Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 - 342.430; 342.455-342.495, 342.553 [& 342.985]
Hist.: TSPC 4-1998, f. & cert. ef. 6-5-98; TSPC 13-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-22-06; Renumbered from 584-050-0042, TSPC 2-2009, f. & cert. ef. 3-12-09


OEA believes that educators need to be able to submit changes to their licensure file as needed in as many ways as possible. This rule change as written may be interpreted to mean that written submission by mail is NOT acceptable. Therefore we propose the following revision:

584-036-0105 (Section 2):

(2) Changes of address may be made by mail, email, telephone [, in writing,] or[ email notification] in person. Changes of address must include the educator's name, [social security number,] TSPC account number and the old and new addresses the educator is changing. Submission of the social security number for address change identification purposes is voluntary.



Respectfully submitted,

Teresa Ferrer

Center for Teaching & Learning

Oregon Education Association