
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities for World Language Endorsements


(1) Demonstrating Content Knowledge: Candidates are required to demonstrate content knowledge in one of the following ways:

(a) Passage of the Commission-approved test of world language content knowledge; or

(b) Completion of at least 45 quarter or 30 semester hours of college-level coursework in the world language subject area in language areas where the Commission has not approved a content-specific world language licensure test.


(2) Field Experience: Candidates must complete the following practicum experiences:

(a) Field experiences prior to student teaching that include experiences in world language classrooms;

(b) Field experiences, including student teaching, that are supervised by a qualified world language educator who is knowledgeable about current instructional approaches and issues in the field of world language education; and

(c) Opportunities for candidates to participate in a structured study abroad program or intensive immersion experience in a target language community.


(3) Methods requirements: Candidates must complete a methods course that deals specifically with the teaching of world languages, and that is taught by a qualified faculty member whose expertise is world language education and who is knowledgeable about current instructional approaches and issues; and


(4) Technology Requirements: Candidates must demonstrate competence in technology-enhanced instruction and the use of technology in their own teaching.


(5) Language, Linguistics Comparison: Candidates must:

(a) Demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the target language, and they seek opportunities to strengthen their proficiency;

(b) Know the linguistic elements of the target language system, recognize the changing nature of language, and accommodate for gaps in their own knowledge of the target language system by learning on their own.; and

(c) Know the similarities and differences between the target language and other languages, identify the key differences in varieties of the target language, and seek opportunities to learn about varieties of the target language on their own.


(6) Cultures, Literatures, Cross-Disciplinary Concepts: Candidates must:

(a) Demonstrate that they understand the connections among the perspectives of a culture and its practices and products, and they integrate the cultural framework for world language standards into their instructional practices;

(b) Recognize the value and role of literary and cultural texts and use them to interpret and reflect upon the perspectives of the target cultures over time; and

(c) Integrate knowledge of other disciplines into world language instruction and identify distinctive viewpoints accessible only through the target language.


(7) Language Acquisition Theories and Instructional Practices: Candidates must:

(a) Demonstrate an understanding of language acquisition at various developmental levels and use this knowledge to create a supportive classroom learning environment that includes target language input and opportunities for negotiation of meaning and meaningful interaction; and

(b) Develop a variety of instructional practices that reflect language outcomes and articulated program models and address the needs of diverse language learners.


(8) Integration of Standards into Curriculum and Instruction: Candidates must:

(a) Demonstrate an understanding of the goal areas and standards of the Standards for World Language Learning and their state standards, and they integrate these frameworks into curricular planning.

(b) Integrate the Standards for World Language Learning and their state standards into language instruction.

(c) Use standards and curricular goals to evaluate, select, design, and adapt instructional resources.


(9) Assessment of Languages and Cultures: Candidates must:

(a)  Believe that assessment is ongoing, and they demonstrate knowledge of multiple ways of assessment that are age- and level-appropriate by implementing purposeful measures;

(b) Reflect on the results of student assessments, adjust instruction accordingly, analyze the results of assessments, and use success and failure to determine the direction of instruction; and

(c) Interpret and report the results of student performances to all stakeholders and provide opportunity for discussion.


(10) Professionalism: Candidates must:

(a) Engage in professional development opportunities that strengthen their own linguistic and cultural competence and promote reflection on practice; and

(b) Know the value of world language learning to the overall success of all students and understand that they will need to become advocates with students, colleagues, and members of the community to promote the field.


(11) This endorsement is valid to teach the following designated world languages at the grade levels authorized on the license. Other language endorsement areas may be allowed upon approval of the addition of the language by any Commission-approved teaching program.

(a) Chinese;

(b) French;

(b) German;

(c) Japanese;

(d) Latin;

(e) Russian; and

(f) Spanish.


Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120—342.430; 342.455-342.495, 342.553